Monthly Archives: September 2007

the verdict is in

So tomorrow I have to respond to a Jury Summons (i.e. actually go downtown and sit around). Its unclear if I’ll actually get picked for a trial, or if it will last more than 10 minutes, who knows.. they make it all kind of vague. In some ways I don’t mind, I get paid by work to follow through with my civic duties, plus I guess I get a small stipend for going down there. Also, it’s a new experience, something i’m always up for. Plus, i’ll get some more time to do some reading while I wait, who knows, maybe i’ll even come close to finishing a book (8 hours is a long, long time).

There’s lots of fun concerts coming up in the next month (a surprise, I know!), so i’m definitely going to be checking all of those out soon. Just to name a few.. Paul Luc, Finger Eleven, Minus the Bear, Saves the Day, Johnette Napolitano, and a few more. If you know of another sweet show I don’t, let me know by leaving a comment or shooting me an email.

kickin it old school

Last night I went to see Paul Luc with Kim (who got the cd, and all the bandmembers signed it). Then we went out for some more drinking and met up with a friend. Tonight one of our friends is turning 21, so that should be a good time as well. I also started on my slow attempt to get back in shape. I went swimming at Oliver Bath House for an hour today. An hour is pitiful, but I’m out of shape, so hopefully the more I go, the better I’ll be able to do.

To anyone out there who has an Ipod classic, who used to have one of the older revs, does the UI seem to run slowly to you? I was playing with one at the apple store the other day and it seemed to react really slowly. The music interface on the Ipod touch is definitely one of the most refined ones I’ve seen, but 16GB just won’t cut it (unless I get one for free :). Seeing as the classic has twice the space and battery life as my aging Creative Zen Xtra (and I could use it as a raw hard drive) I’m actually considering getting one. I was disappointed that the Shadyside Apple Store had none of the 160GB ones out though, so I could compare just how much thicker it really was, but if they don’t have them out next time I’m sure I could ask them to get one for me. That store also doesn’t have the new mini power adapter for the MacBook Pros (but then, I guess most stores don’t have them yet). What I really need to do though (tech purchase wise) is to get a 2GB stick of ram for my laptop, not from Apple if I can pull it off (it’s sooo much cheaper that way).

As a random last side note, I’m somewhat impressed with Pittsburgh’s tech influence as of late. Not only did we have the most bloggers per capita, we have like 4 or 5 lifecasters on (maybe more), who knew?

too long

Wow, i managed to forget to update this thing already. I guess a quick update is in order.. Over the last few weeks i’ve gone to California for a business trip. I stayed in a small area called Menlo Park, which is just next to Stanford and Palo Alto (home of facebook). That was interesting, the weather was nice, but it was mostly work, so not all that much to write home about..

Aside from that trip, it’s been mostly the same old shit. Work, come home, hang out, whatever. I did manage to read books 5 and 6 of the Harry Potter series, and go see the fifth movie (which is an ok movie, but a horrible adaptation). I went out to a friend’s birthday soiree in shadyside, and a housewarming in the strip. Both events were nice, plus I don’t get to visit those parts of town much. Now that I’ve left Oakland, I pretty much stick around Southside. Let’s see, I also finally bought an external hard drive. It’s a nice 750GB from Western Digital which was on sale at Best Buy, I saw a metallic looking one for 75 dollars more at the Apple Store tonight, so ha! In other positive news, my “online transcript” at Pitt lists me as graduated with my Masters Degree. With that, I am officially done with school (in what I hope is, forever).

The remainder of this month looks to be not tooo boring. A friend is turning 21, Mad Mex is having several specials, I have potential Jury Duty, we’re getting more serious about furniture for our apartment, and I should finish dealing with post-graduation services loss. Oh, and maybe if I’m really cool, I’ll work on my domain (or at least my side project). Anyhow, that’s enough rambling for tonight.